Find Out If Therapy Is Right For Your Child


Physical therapy (PT) is an effective treatment for a variety of injuries and childhood disorders that affect muscles, bones and joints. Our pediatric physical therapists work to provide support in gross motor development, motor planning, and visual motor skills We work with muscle tone, strength and development, range of movement, quality of movement, hand-eye coordination, and sensory integration. We pay close attention to the quality of your child’s movements such as their pace and their gait when they learn to walk, as well as their balance and coordination skills.​

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Your Child

Improve gross motor development, balance, coordination and walking pattern

- Increase muscular strength, range of motion and endurance

- Promote a healthy, active lifestyle and maximize independence


Occupational therapy (OT) supports a child’s ability to engage in everyday activities and acquire skills to promote function. Our pediatric occupational therapists work with your child to assist in the learning of hand-eye coordination, oral skills for eating, coordination of the whole body, and proper positioning and movement of the body. Our goal is to improve your child’s cognitive, physical, and motor development. Our occupational therapists work with children on improving upon daily activities that will help them throughout their lives: hygiene, self-feeding and self-help skills will all allow your child to live independently in their natural environment.​

Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Your Child

Help achieve developmentally appropriate milestones

- Improve of fine-motor skills, hand-eye coordination and overall core strengthening

- Facilitate appropriate social interaction skills and functional independence


Our pediatric speech therapists are trained to provide support to children in the areas of language acquisition, articulation, oral motor stimulation, communication skills, and much more. Your child will start improving their abilities to articulate sounds more clearly, develop their communication skills, increase their range of sounds, and develop oral motor muscles to improve language use.Our pediatric speech therapists look at the quality of your child’s speech and language as well as pronunciation and articulation.​

Benefits of Speech Therapy for Your Child

Improve verbal or nonverbal skills for communication

- Facilitate receptive/expressive language development

- Increase fundamental social skills

is therapy the right option for your child?

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